New Initiate Homeless Program
Qualitown has developed an initiative to support the homeless in the community. Our main goal is to fight homelessness by working with local nonprofits that support this cause. Today, we face the global pandemic—the Coronavirus; the virus is deadly and spreads like wildfire. Qualitown strives to ensure that the homeless stay safe by providing them with masks and sanitizers and encouraging them to take the Covid-19 vaccine.
Many people without homes spend their time outdoors without access to any fundamental care and hygienic resources to protect and create a sense of well-being. In both cases, having a home would make them much safer, especially during a viral pandemic. After in-depth research and discussions, Qualitown plans to provide snack packs as nutritional support to the homeless and caution them from the drastic economic impacts caused by the pandemic. We aim to be providing the snack packs alongside other personal hygiene items on Tuesdays.
The impact also targets to benefit the community and businesses that suffer significant disturbances. With a collective effort, we could make our community a loving and safe environment for everyone.
With your help, we can see that veterans, families, children, and others make it through these challenging times.
Support The Homeless;
Join this noble cause! Support the homeless in your community! All proceeds go to making a change for the homeless. Be part of the change.
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Thanks To You All For Your Support
As a community, we must work together and show love in any little way possible. Since our commitment to supporting the homeless and low-income families, the program has been successful, and more individuals are benefiting from this extraordinary commitment. These include giving clothes, shoes, beddings, comforters and personal hygiene products to the homeless and those in need for free. This giveaway occurs daily with no limit as to what there take out. Therefore, we would like to thank the entire community for their support in donations, both in cash.
Every Tuesday, our snack park program is still going where, and the number of homeless and low-income individuals participating in this program has significantly increased. We still encourage your continuous support and online donations to help together as one people, one community. If you’re wondering what to donate, we have attached photos of our snack pack giveaway for your reference. Let Love Lead
Snack Packs Give Away
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Program Supporters
We thank the Christain Life Fellowship in Campbell River for supporting this program. We appreciate your generosity. Please visit their website and fellowship with us as we continue to grow in love and compassion, just as Christ demonstrated. Thank you CLF
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Help us reach our goal in your community to provide a temporary shelter for the homeless.
Qualitown is expanding nation-wide Canada to help the homeless in your community.
A permanent address is more than a physical space, and that it represents security and well-being in a very real sense. The term ‘homelessness’ may refer to not having a roof over ones head, but potentially the concept goes much further than this. Seager reminds us‘…homelessness is more than houselessness and goes much deeper in terms of psychosocial issues and social exclusion..’.
For a homeless person, social and emotional support, a sense of belonging, trust, assistance with daily living, counselling, help to re-build and encourage a much better living.
Understanding The Leading Causes of Homelessness
- Unemployment
- Poverty
- Shortage of affordable housing
- Divorce, separation, or family breakdown
- Domestic violence
- Drug addiction
- Lack of social or family support
- Lack of support services
- Discrimination
- Physical or mental health problems
Facts About Homelessness
- More than 235,000 people in Canada experience homelessness in any given year.
- 25,000 to 35,000 people experience homelessness on any given night.
- 1 in 7 users of homeless shelters is a child; about 20% of homeless persons are aged between 13-25 years.
- In 2014, 8 percent of Canadians aged 15 years and above reported having at some point in their lives been accommodated by a friend, relative, or slept in the car since they didn’t have a place to live (hidden homelessness).
- Research shows that Indigenous homelessness in major urban areas ranges from 20-50% of the total homeless population.
Why This Initiative is Crucial
Homeless people represent a vulnerable group in society. Sadly, we still have a 14th century-long tradition of treating them as criminals. Yet this vulnerable group are more likely to be victims of crime, rather than perpetrators. Many homeless have experienced brutal childhoods, unstable families, or domestic violence, drug abusive parent/friends. They are more than ten times as likely to be assaulted and 50 times more likely to be robbed than those who have a home. 40 % of young homeless women have been abused sexually and many are at risk from untreated sexually transmitted diseases…’.
In this regard, it is unjust to turn our backs on the victims. Being homeless subjects one to an emotional breakdown, depression, drug abuse, and mental health problems. Therefore, we need to step up and be empathetic to the homeless. We need to join hands and support the vulnerable group in any way possible.
Finding shelter for the homeless
Becoming homeless is likely to be one of the most stressful and frightening events that can happen to a person, and finding shelter or knowing who to approach to assist with this, might be difficult. In assisting with finding shelter for the homeless in and around Campbell River, Qualitown has initiate an ideal to offer overnight accommodation to the homeless also as a temporary home which will be available in these nearest future. The concept of Qualitown Thrift Store presents a good solution to the problem regarding provision of overnight accommodation. This initiative will impart the community and small businesses downtown Campbell River as it would be the only avenue where homeless people will be accommodated as a temporary home before they could possibly gain access into the permanent Government program.
This will only happened as a collective effort of the Campbell River community family to join effort with Qualitown great ideas to end homelessness.
Together we can make a deference… We are Moses to lead the Israelites from the land of Egypt.
Let Love Lead, Never Ignore An Homeless Person

Stand For Those In Need
Our support to local homeless forks

They're Not Alone
Qualitown Homeless Mondays Support

Get To Know Them
Don't Ignore Like You Didn't See Them
Be A Brother’s Keeper, Stop The Hate Now!
Our Homeless Program And The Snacks In Their Bags
Hello everyone, as most people know in our community, we give out snack packs to our community homeless folks every Tuesday. Some of the inhabitance of our community are wondering about what could be in the bags we give out. The below video shows the items and snacks that go in the bag. For those interested in supporting this program by donating snacks, this video illustrates the kind of snack you can contribute. You can also donate online to this cause, as all proceeds go toward the Homeless Program.