Readings Digest
Be Happier

It’s time to learn new things and get summer motivation. One of the fascinating means of learning is reading to get exposed to various aspects of life.
What are some benefits of daily reading?
- Reading Exercises the Brain
- Reading is a form of (free) Entertainment
- Reading Improves Concentration and the Ability to Focus
- Reading Improves Literacy
- Reading Improves Sleep
- Reading Increases General Knowledge
- Reading is Motivational
- Reading Reduces Stress.
Reading books can improve your mental and physical health. The benefits of reading books can start in childhood and last forever.
Lets look further into the benefits of reading.
Stress relief
Whether it’s a novel or an article, a great story will distract you from the daily tasks and issues. When you have your hands on a well-written novel, it will transport you to another realm, while an engaging article will keep you focused on the present; the tension you have is automatically drained away, allowing your entire body to relax.
Depression relief
Said that the idea that one can escape from reality is not imaginary consolation. Depressed people always feel isolated and alienated from others. Reading books and articles can help minimize these feelings.
Reading books can help you escape your world and experience the fictional adventures of the characters. At the same time, reading self-help books can allow patients with depression to better understand themselves and their symptoms and the issues they are facing.
These self-help books are actually highly recommended by doctors and experts. We have this section in our store.
Health benefits
All readers will tell you that being immersed in a great book can stimulate the brain’s various functions. Different researchers have proven this and continue to support the different health benefits accrued from reading.
When we read, we improve our empathy and memory. You will feel better and become more positive in life. Science indicates that reading can help with depression, reduce stress, and minimize the chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease later in life.
On top of this, reading has been found to decrease heart rate and blood pressure.
Slows age related cognitive decline
The National Institute on Aging highly recommends keeping your mind active through reading books, magazines and articles as you age.
Although research isn’t yet conclusive, due to my finding, it’s clear that reading books helps seniors maintain their cognitive function and prevents the occurrence of different memory diseases like Alzheimer’s.
A study carried out in 2013 revealed that people who regularly engage in mentally stimulating activities were less likely to develop brain lesions and plaque build-ups linked to people with dementia.
Improves imagination
To read a fiction book, one has to have the capability to imagine its contents. Your imagination can evolve and have various impacts on your daily life.
When most people think about imagination, they easily relate it to art or children. It could be their drawings or a composed piece of music.
When you read a book, you picture the entire novel clearly identifying all the characters as the storyline and this stimulates your brain. Imagination consists of all things that do not involve our past or our present.
Makes you happier
Reading fictional publications is a relaxing and healthy thing to have in your life. As stated earlier, reading helps you minimize stress levels and distract you from any form of negativity. There are different scientifically proven advantages of reading, and all of them trickle down to the fact that books will make you happy.
When you take your time to read your favorite book it automatically lifts your spirits making you feel great. A survey carried out that reading improved life and helped in making you feel great.
Reading different magazines, articles and books stimulate the brain to release endorphins, oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine which are happy hormones, making the reader feel worthwhile, pleasure, and happy.